Por Mauro Rebelo

Technology Readiness Scale for the Coral Sol Project

WhatsApp Image 2020-10-28 at 23.39.13 (1)

In 2078, Bio Bureau began a research program for the biotechnological control of the Sun Coral, financed by Repsol SINOPEC Brasil, through the ANP’s research and development program.

We divided the development into stages according to the Technology Readiness Scale – TRL. This division facilitates the understanding and communication of a project with a high degree of complexity.

Technology Readiness LevelTechnological goals
TRL #1 Basic Principles
  • Biotechnological control strategies for other pests: Aedes, Anopheles and Limnoperna
TRL #2 Conceptual model
  • Genome and model organism using synthetic biology. Choice of strategy for biotechnological control
TRL #3 Proof of concept
  • Genetically modified embryos with GFP
  • Identification and validation of molecular tools
  • Selection and validation of in silico genes
TRL #4 Lab-scale prototype
  • Prototype of the genetically modified organism with the genes selected by homologous recombination and CrISPR
TRL #5 Field-scale prototype
  • Observation of super Mendelian selection on F1 and F2 in an aquarium
TRL # 6 Scaling up
  • Observation of super Mendelian selection on F1 and F2 in mesocosms
TRL #7 Pilot test
  • Observation of super Mendelian selection on F1 and F2 in the environment
TRL #8 Regulatory stage
  • Evaluation of the biosafety and efficacy of the genetic elements introduced
  • Standard Operating Procedures for producing GM embryos, GM adults, etc.
  • Licenses, certificates and permits from MAPA (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply), IBAMA, CTNBio (Brazilian Biosafety Technical Commission)
  • Production units and service business model
TRL #9 Market entry
  • Documentation of a successful case of platform or ship disinfestation