Por uon.dev

Bio Bureau improves communication between laboratories with eLabJournal

Case eLab Journal_V1

Documentation is one of the most important parts of any project. It is from there that we can not only record, but also analyze and compare the results obtained by the researchers. For this important step, Bio Bureau uses the eLabJournalThis software is extremely useful for teams that work in different locations and need to share information, as is our case. Its value has grown even more since March 2020, when the pandemic began.

In 2019, thanks to eLabJournal, we managed to organize all our R&D documentation for four different projects in just three months. The experiments are clearly separated, easier to cross-reference and quicker to fill in, compared to our previous organization. Once the information is organized in one place (records of experiments, protocols and sample tracking), recognizing faults becomes even easier, we can correct them more quickly and generate more structured results.

Finally, the icing on the cake for our researchers is the Sample Documentation section of the eLabJournal, because we work in labs all over the city, sometimes the country, and with different working hours. With the production of up to 100 samples of various types per week, the function helps us keep track of the details of each one and easily find out which one was the matrix. It has never been easier to check the origin of a sample, what treatment it has undergone, what it has been used for and where it is stored. The dream of every bench and lab manager.

Check out more details of our process with eLabJournal