ALive #16 – Entrepreneurship in biotechnology

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Mauro Rebelo and Frineia Rezende talk to Miriam Guimarães, director of SEBRAE’s PROINTERBIO program, about how to ‘stimulate entrepreneurship in biotechnology in Rio de Janeiro and what we can extrapolate from these challenges at a national level, especially for businesses linked to biodiversity in the Amazon and other Brazilian biomes.ALive #16 – Entrepreneurship in biotechnology

ALive #18 – Open Innovation at BASF

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Mauro Rebelo and Frineia Rezende talk to Jessica Artioli and Roni Sato about what research and development is like at one of the most innovative companies in the world, BASF, and how that same company had to change to start working with startups practicing open innovation.ALive #18 – Open Innovation at BASF