Por Mauro Rebelo

Technological Readiness Scale for Environmental DNA


In 2020, the Bio Bureau began a research program to identify species using Environmental DNA, funded by Tijoá Energia through ANEEL’s research and development program.

We divided the development into stages according to the Technology Readiness Scale – TRL. This division facilitates the understanding and communication of a project with a high degree of complexity.

Technology Readiness LevelTechnological goals
TRL #1 Basic Principles
  • Scientific papers supporting environmental DNA technology and metabarcoding as tools for routine environmental monitoring.
TRL #2 Conceptual model
TRL #3 Proof of concept
  • Validation in micro and mesocosms of the premises for sampling and analyzing biodiversity, with an emphasis on ichthyofauna, in hydroelectric reservoirs, using environmental DNA
TRL #4 Lab-scale prototype
  • Validation in macrocosms of the premises for sampling and analyzing biodiversity, with an emphasis on ichthyofauna, in hydroelectric reservoirs, using environmental DNA
TRL #5 Field-scale prototype
  • Initial characterization (baseline) of biodiversity estimated by environmental DNA in a hydroelectric reservoir. Establishment of a standard operating procedure for baseline estimation and biodiversity monitoring in hydroelectric reservoirs.
TRL # 6 Scaling up
  • Adaptation of the protocol for application in different reservoirs, with validation in at least 3 reservoirs
TRL #7 Pilot test
  • Methods and materials for scaling the technology, new diversity index based on DNA frequency, transactional business model

TRL #8 Regulatory stage
  • Terms of reference, IBAMA and CONAMA technical notes

TRL #9 Go to the market
  • National real-time monitoring program with 70% adherence of hydroelectric reservoirs